About Alaska Gateway School District
AGSD encompasses 28,000 square miles extending north from the Alaska Range to the Yukon River and Canadian border. Schools are located in the communities of Dot Lake, Eagle, Tanacross, Tetlin, Tok, Mentasta Lake, and Northway. There is also a district-wide correspondence school, REACH Academy. All schools are K-12 except Tanacross, which is K-8.
AGSD services approximately 415 students in seven communities. Distances between the Central Office in Tok and outlying schools range from 12 to 173 miles. All schools are on the road system. Eagle is a fly-in site for seven months of the year.
The district is located in the eastern interior of Alaska with extreme weather conditions. The average low temperature in January is -32 degrees; the average high during July is 72 degrees. The region abounds with wildlife including moose, caribou, bear, Dahl sheep, arctic hare, fox and coyote. Canada geese, swans, cranes and ducks and a variety of fish make use of the ponds and lakes in the area.