Professional Development


Are you planning on attending a virtual or online professional development event? Follow the procedures and forms here FIRST

ASDN (Alaska Staff Development Network)

Training, webinars, and conferences -

AGSD has a Tier 1 Sponsorship - so if you are interested in participating in an ASDN event or training contact the Director of Curriculum & Instruction

To Access ASDN Recorded Webinars
Username: asdn
Password: Alaska

Certified Staff Required Training

Click here for an overview of all training courses available to staff

Please submit proof of completed training (either your certificate or your printed transcript from the EED online training portal to the HR Director at District Office.


Precautions Against Blood Borne Pathogens Training

Required at time of hire, and once per year afterward

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Continuing Education

Required every 4 years

Drug & Alcohol-Related Disabilities Training

Required every 4 years

Gender & Race Equity in Educational Materials Training

Required every 4 years

School Crisis Response Planning Training

Required within 2 years after 1st day of employment and every 4 years thereafter

Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse & Neglect Training

Required within 45 days of employment and every 4 years thereafter

Employee Evaluation System Training

Required every 4 years

Suicide Awareness

Suicide Intervention

Suicide Prevention Training

Required every 4 years