Suzanne Pascuzzi
Director of Federal Programs
PO Box 226
Tok, AK 99780
Telephone: (907) 883-5151 (113)
Fax: (907) 883-5154
You can find the most recent School Report Cards for all of these schools on AGSD Report Card for the Public page.
To learn more about the State of Alaska's written complaint procedures for resolving issues of violations of federal statutes or regulations that apply to the Title I Part A programs Click Here.
Schoolwide Plans
Walter Northway School
Tetlin School
Title I Information
Alaska Gateway School District currently has 6 sites that qualify as Title I schools; Eagle, Mentasta, Tetlin, Tok, Dot Lake and Walter Northway. School eligibility for Title I is determined by the percent of students that qualify for free/reduced lunch. A district's site is eligible for a Schoolwide program when a site has a poverty level at 40% or higher as determined by Free/Reduced meal applications.
When a site qualifies for a schoolwide program, students do not have to meet specific criteria to receive Title I services. The site teams or Response to Intervention (RtI) teams along with classroom teachers review students' classroom performance, MAPS, AK STAR, and classroom assessments to determine appropriate interventions to ensure each student's success.
Contact your school principal or the district federal programs director department if you would like to be involved or know more about our programs.
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
You can view each school's Parent Engagement Policy by visiting the school's website. We are currently looking for parents to assist in updating our district's Parent Engagement Policy. If you would like to be involved, please contact Suzanne Pascuzzi at 907-883-5151 ext. 113
Your input into our plan is valuable. Let us know what you think of the district’s improvement plan. Please give us your feedback by calling 907-883-5151 ext. 113. We would like to hear from you.