District Info
Report Card to the Public
CLICK HERE to access AGSD's Report Cards to the Public - online interactive version
Directions to Access Alaska Gateway School District Report Cards from the State:
1. Click on the link to access the online interactive version of AGSD’s Report Cards to the Public. This will take you to the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development’s website. The title will be “Report Card to the Public."
2. Use the drop down menu next to “School Year” to choose what year you want to look at.
3. Next to “Report Type” click on “School Level” if you are looking for a specific school. If you are looking at the entire district, click on “District Level.”
4. Select Alaska Gateway School District in the drop down menu next to “District.”
5. Once the district is chosen in step 4 above, only the schools for Alaska Gateway School District will be available in the drop down menu next to “School.” Select the school you wish to look up. If you clicked on “District Level” in step 3, leave this field blank.
6.Click on the “Lookup” button when you have entered in all the information you need.
CLICK HERE to access AGSD's Report Cards to the Public (downloadable only for years 2009-2019)