If you did not enroll your child in GAP when you completed regular online school enrollment, and have decided you would like to enroll them now, click here to print and fill out the enrollment form, and then turn it in to your school office.
Cecilia Murguia-Robinson
GAP Program Coordinator
Suzanne Pascuzzi
Director of Special Programs
PO Box 226
Tok, AK 99780
Telephone: (907) 883-5151
Fax: (907) 883-5154
The GAP centers are always looking for qualified individuals to work at each of the designated school sites in the district as site coordinators for the centers. GAP also actively seeks activity instructors and tutors who have skills they would be willing to share with youth and/or community members.
Notices will be posted ON THIS WEBSITE as these positions become available.
To go to the GAP resources page, click here
“Discover – Engage – Achieve”
Gateway After-school Programs (G.A.P.) is an after-school program grant.
GAP centers operate in most AGSD schools beginning after Labor Day. The centers open after school, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during the school year and during the summer for a 5-week summer “boot camp”. GAP centers offer a variety of activities and academic opportunities to students and community members. The centers allow students to build on their classroom experiences, expand their horizons, contribute to their communities and have FUN!
GAP centers are operated jointly through a partnership between schools, youth, families, community residents and community agencies. This partnership works together toward providing a quality education, enhancing family life, building youth assets and forming positive relationships.
We offer a “playlist” schedule with the GAP grant. Students have the opportunity to choose activities to fit their individual playlist. GAP also offers dinner from 5 to 5:30 with transportation home after for those who choose to stay for the evening food service.
We look forward to seeing YOU at a GAP center soon!

Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) is a federally granted program that provides FREE expanded learning and enrichment opportunities for children and their families outside of regular school hours. The AGSD Gateway After-school Programs (GAP) provides transportation, snacks, and at some sites, a dinner meal to enrolled students to help remove barriers to participation.
GAP Report: Evaluation