PARENTS - please read the following One-to-One Chromebook Agreement and review it with your child. This agreement is included with enrollment.
Alaska Gateway School District is pleased to offer all of our K-12 students the opportunity to participate in our One-to-One Chromebook Program. This program provides access to technology resources for all students, both in school and out, to prepare them for an ever-changing workforce.
The district goals for the program include increased student achievement and learning with an emphasis on developing the knowledge and problem-solving skills required for the establishment of a changing workforce; access to equal educational opportunities through access to technology; increased student engagement, resulting in increased attendance; student ownership of learning, and reduced off-task behaviors; increased student-centered instruction; and opportunities for students to be academically empowered. One of the many positive results is that students will become respectful digital citizens who are responsible with technology.
Learning is still the focus in the classroom. The Chromebooks do not monopolize the classroom, nor will they replace quality teaching. There are lessons in the absence of technology. Paper and pencil, as well as other learning tools, are still used in the classroom.
This program ensures that students are prepared for a future that is filled with constantly changing technology. Please contact the principal at your child’s school or the District’s Technology Director if you have questions about the program.
Technology User Fees
Each parent or guardian and student will sign this One-to-One Chromebook Agreement (signature page at the end) and the Acceptable Use Agreement (attached) to participate.
AGSD will provide a case for the devices which need protective cases and chargers. These must be used at all times.
Damages resulting in destruction (repairs not possible, as deemed by AGSD technology department) or loss of a device will result in the student and parents being financially obligated for replacement costs, except in cases of federally declared disasters. Current replacement costs are as follows: Chromebook & Case, $ 325; charger, $30; Case, $50. Patterns of damage may result in the loss of device privileges at the school’s discretion and with no refunds of prior fees. OR
Parents may elect to purchase a loss/damage/theft policy through Worth Ave. Group 1-(800)-620-2885. Worth Ave. Group writes policies to cover students’ One-to-One technology devices. The amount of coverage for the cost of the Chromebook is $300. The deductible is $50. This policy will cover loss, theft and damage of the Chromebook, (but not chargers, cables, or cases). Premiums for a $300 Chromebook are $56 per year or $6 per month. Parents are encouraged to obtain this loss/theft and damage insurance on their child’s school Chromebook.
Expectations for Use of any AGSD device
Students must follow guidelines set forth in this Agreement and the AGSD Acceptable Use Policy which was signed as part of your online enrollment.
Students must come to school with their Chromebook every day.
Students must come to school with their Chromebook charged.
Chromebooks left at school must be stored in the charging stations in the assigned teacher’s classroom.
Keep the Chromebook secure and damage free.
Do not loan Chromebook or charger to others.
Carry Chromebook with protective covering at all times. Do not remove cover.
Do not remove labels or stickers that are on the Chromebook and charger.
Do not leave Chromebook unattended.
Do not eat or drink in close proximity to the Chromebook.
Do not place the Chromebook on the floor or in a sitting area such as bleachers, a couch, bed, or chair.
Do not leave the Chromebook on the edge of a desk or table.
Do not leave the Chromebook outside.
Intermittent Chromebook safety usage checks shall be conducted to ensure that Chromebooks are properly used.
Do not disassemble the Chromebook or take it to a source outside of the AGSD for any sort of repair.
It is important that you know where your Chromebook is at all times. Any Chromebooks left behind or unattended at school not in the assigned secure areas will be taken to the school office. Students who misplace Chromebooks will be required to pick up the device and have a conference with the principal regarding the importance of accountability for their Chromebook. Immediately file a police report and contact your school principal in the case of theft, fire, or vandalism. If you have theft insurance with Worth Ave. Group, contact the insurance company, as well. It is the parents’ responsibility to file a theft claim with Worth Ave. Group.
Charging and Preparing for Class
It is each student’s responsibility to charge his or her Chromebook each night before school. It is also the responsibility of students to bring their Chromebook each day and be prepared for class. Loaner devices and chargers may not be available for students who do not have their supplies and equipment.
Transporting Your Device Moving Between Classes
Students are expected to pack their Chromebooks in their protective cases and in their book bags during class change.
Inappropriate Use of Device
It is the responsibility of each student to use their issued Chromebook in a responsible way. Students must follow this Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy and must adhere to the expectations of each teacher regarding the use of their Chromebook in a classroom environment. Students may at no time download any material without teacher permission.
Use at Home and School
Students are issued a Chromebook for the majority of the school year and may take the device home each day. Students are encouraged to use their Chromebook at home for assignments. If students leave their Chromebook at home, they are still responsible for completing the coursework as if they had their device present. Repeat violations will result in disciplinary action.
Use on Trips
Students may have occasion to take their Chromebooks with them when traveling on family trips or on school activity trips. When traveling, it is the student’s responsibility take care of their Chromebook in a manner aligning with the guidelines in this document.
Internet Use
Students who have wireless internet connections at home or hotspot access are permitted to use the Internet on their Chromebooks in those places. Students who use their Chromebook outside of school will still be monitored and are still obligated to adhere to this Agreement and AGSD’s Acceptable Use Policy. Students who violate this agreement may lose Internet capability on their Chromebook and limited access to Web sites.
Students may also connect to free wireless providers such as McDonald’s, local libraries, or coffee houses. Local internet provider, Alaska Power and Telephone offers Internet service. Contact AP&T 907-883-5101, if you would like to learn more about service.
End of the Year or Withdrawal from an AGSD School
If a student fails to return the Chromebook at the end of the school year or upon termination of enrollment at an AGSD school, he or she is subject to financial liability until the Chromebook is returned or associated fees are received. Failure to return the Chromebook within five working days after withdrawal from an AGSD school will result in a theft report being filed with the Alaska State Troopers.
Furthermore, the student will be responsible for any damage to the Chromebook as outlined in this One-to-One agreement. The Chromebook and accessories must be returned to the AGSD school in satisfactory condition. The student will be charged a fee for any needed repairs, not to exceed the replacement cost of the Chromebook. If parents have purchased coverage with Worth Ave. Group, and submitted a claim for damage or loss, that paperwork should also be presented at the time of check out.
School Responsibility
Provide Internet access at school.
Provide Internet blocking and filtering of inappropriate materials, as able, while utilizing AGSD Internet.
Provide network data storage areas. AGSD reserves the right to review, monitor, and restrict information stored on or transmitted via AGSD owned equipment and to investigate inappropriate uses of resources.
Provide staff guidance to aid students with academic activities to help ensure student compliance of the AGSD Acceptable Use Policy for electronic devices.
All AGSD students receiving digital curriculum and direct instruction online are subject to any applicable district policies and this Distance/Virtual Code of Conduct. As a virtual learning student, there are additional rules and expectations regarding online etiquette in order to protect all students and all staff members.
Please review the following rules and expectations:
Students are responsible for proper behavior during online learning. Always use a computer in a way that shows consideration and respect. It is not acceptable to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language.
We take integrity and authenticity of student work very seriously. Do not cut, copy, or plagiarize internet content or the work of your classmates. Copying, knowingly allowing others to copy from you, and/or misusing internet content will result in disciplinary action.
Security and safety is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you identify a security and/or safety problem with the school's computers and/or an educational platform, email the principal at your school
Distance learning correspondence is not private. Never say, write, or record anything that will result in disciplinary action.
Keep your password(s) confidential.
Internet Use
All internet data that is composed, transmitted, or received via AGSD computer communications systems is considered to be part of the official records of AGSD and, as such, is subject to disclosure to the parents, administration, or other third parties. Consequently, AGSD expects both students and parents to abide by the district’s Internet Use Policy. Misuse of the internet, wifi, Google apps, and email are in violation of school policies and will result in disciplinary action. Examples of poor behaviors that are prohibited, but are not limited to the following list:
Disturbing the distance learning environment.
Refusing to follow the rules of the specific distance learning classroom.
Unmuting yourself when your teacher has placed you on mute.
Recording any class session without permission and transmitting it.
Dressing inappropriately for video teleconferencing sessions of the class (examples: dressed in revealing clothes, dressed in clothes with inappropriate sayings).
Submitting an assignment that is not the student’s own original work.
Consequences of Misconduct
In the distance learning environment, there is a set of non-traditional types of misconduct that must be regularly monitored and disciplined in an appropriate manner. Failure to comply with the Distance/Virtual Learning Code of Conduct will result in the following consequences for minor offenses:
Warning and conference with the student.
A conference with the student and parent/guardian will be held by the teacher by phone, Google Meet, etc.
A conference with the student and parent/guardian will be held by the administrator by phone, Google Meet, etc.
The student will be denied live access to video teleconferencing privileges with the class for the duration of distance learning. Major offenses are subject to more severe consequences.
Chromebook FAQ’s
Q: If we already own a device, can my child just use that at school instead of a school-issued Chromebook? |
Q: What protections are in place on the AGSD Chromebooks? |
Q: How are issues of inappropriate use handled? |
Q: Can I set up my own Google Account on my child’s AGSD issued Chromebook? |
Q: Can my child bring their Chromebook home? |
Q: Will there be a secure place for my child to leave their Chromebook at the school? |
Q: Does my student have to use a Chromebook? |
Q: What if my child forgets to bring their Chromebook to school? |