AGSD Parent Involvement Guidelines
Homework Help
Technology Safety
Parent Guides from ConnectSafely
AGSD Links
Alaska Digital School Library - Overdrive
Parenting Resources
School Support
Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Assessing Your Involvement in Your Child's Schooling
Special Education
The School Board recognizes that parents/guardians are their children's first and most influential teachers and that continued parental involvement in the education of children contributes greatly to student achievement and conduct. Parents/guardians can directly affect academic success by reinforcing their children's motivation and commitment to education. The district shall include parent involvement strategies as a component of instructional planning.
Teachers and parents/guardians can better understand and meet student needs if they work together. All of our schools have a duty to communicate frequently with the home and to help parents/guardians develop skills and family management techniques which support classroom learning. Administrators and teachers should keep parents/guardians well informed about school expectations and tell them when and how they can assist their children in support of classroom learning activities. The Board encourages staff training in effective communication with the home.
The Board encourages parents/guardians to serve as volunteers in the schools and to attend student performances and school meetings (BP 6020).
Compact of Shared Responsibilities
These compacts are completed each year by staff, students and parents to show a commitment to sharing responsibility for student learning. By reading and signing these Compacts of Shared Responsibilities we can better understand how everyone contributes to a student’s success.
AGSD Elementary Compact of Shared Responsibilities